Sunday, November 15, 2009

The first post is the hardest...

Its always the first step in anything which turns out to be the hardest... But once you get started, things just seem to fall in place. Well then, here it is, my first post. Welcome friends, old and new.

I was in Church today, and during the priest's homily (the part after the gospel where the priest gives his reflections) he made a referrance to the new movie, 2012, and he said that the world is in some way coming to an end. But when it does, we are all safe because our sins have been attoned for. He also mentioned that the evil forces of the world would put up a great fight before it decides to give up. This was apparently symbolised through the movie's depiction of the world literally falling apart. But according to him, no matter what happens, good will always triumph over evil.

Now this happends every week, the priest will preach to us about hope tirelessly. I guess I'm amazed at this human's capability to truly believe what he says. He believe's that the world was just started from two human beings. He believes that when he day comes, we will be judged by the Lord. THIS is what we call faith. Not seeing yet believing. This is a quality that is almost non-existent in humans nowadays. The sincerity of this quality surpasses that of any humans capabilities. In this day and time, our priorities are placed based on cold hard facts, not faith in others. How sad.

The community is being destroyed by people or groups of people that I believe are driven by two vert desruptive powers; Power and greed. In terms of power, humans are blinded by the notion that power triumphs over other things. A man once told me, "Absolute power corrupts people". In the case of greed, the need for material possesions is considered the pivital factor in the so called darkness of the human's heart...

Enough about this dark nonsense....

On a lighter note, I'll be going back to INTI in a few days. I dnt really have anything to do there. But I guess I need to go there and get my things and prepare for the MPW presentation. By the way, I believe that people take our campus for granted. I've seen other high classed campusses. And i believe that this campus in the small town of Nilai can rival most of them. Not every great lawyer graduated from Harvard.